Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Small Business Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC to officially reopen Australian Scientific Pet Food Manufacturer on the 3rd September 2024, 14 months after fire.


Naval Base, Western Australia – 19th August 2024


Advanced Pet Care of Australia Pty Ltd, known for its commitment to scientific excellence behind their brands, unfortunately were forced to rebuild their Western Australian production facility following a devastating fire on June 19, 2023. After 14 months filled with challenges, The Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC will officially reopen the facility in Naval Base at 1:00pm on the 3rd September 2024, according to National Sales Manager, Scott Shepherd.

“We understand the impact our forced closure has had on our loyal customers and their beloved companion animals as well as our long-term suppliers,” said Shepherd. “As a team, we are deeply passionate about providing scientific, premium food that enhances the quality of life for pets worldwide. We are excited to have The Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC reopen our facility so we can recommence operations and resupply pets around the world with quality Australian farmed and Australian made scientific nutrition. Our customers both here in Australia and around the world as well as our local suppliers have been extremely empathetic and understanding of our situation and we thank them immensely.”

Furthermore, Shepherd expressed gratitude to Advanced Care of Australia Pty Ltd directors for their welfare concerns for the staff and local agricultural suppliers. “The entire team here are extremely grateful that the company retained all staff whilst we rebuilt the facility. Our directors have always communicated to the team that the business would not have achieved the success it had without the entire team within it and have also regularly expressed their gratitude of the work we do. Not only were we retained, eliminating financial stress and impact on our families, staff were upskilled during the downtime to enhance our abilities,” said Shepherd. “We are also thankful that our local Western Australian suppliers were supported reducing further impact. We have built up extensive partnerships with local Western Australian suppliers over the last 30 years and consider them part of our team. Being able to source local, high-quality ingredients allows us to produce high quality kibble reducing the need for imported ingredients and reducing our impact on the climate, so ensuring they have been supported is very welcome news to hear.”

Throughout this challenging period, Advanced Pet Care of Australia Pty Ltd would like to express its sincerest gratitude to its customers, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support. We are confident that our resilience and dedication will lead us to emerge stronger, better equipped, and more committed than ever to providing premium pet food products backed by scientific expertise with Western Australian ingredients.



For media inquiries, please contact:

Scott Shepherd

National Sales Manager



About Advanced Pet Care of Australia Pty Ltd:

Advanced Pet Care of Australia Pty Ltd, the science behind the brands Delicate Care Pet Food, Cherish Pet Food and AUSDOG, is a leading scientific pet food manufacturer based in Naval Base, Western Australia. Committed to enhancing the lives of companion animals through innovative scientific nutrition, the company aims to consistently deliver quality products that meet the dietary needs of pets while focusing on sustainability and Australian manufacturing excellence. With a dedicated team of experts, Advanced Pet Care of Australia Pty Ltd continues to push boundaries in the pet food industry, setting new standards for scientific research and development.



Facebook: Delicate Care, Cherish Pet Food

Instagram: Delicate Care, Cherish Pet Food


